I find myself on the Light Rail Trail, the Stone Arch Bridge, Boom Island, The East and West Bank U of M campuses, the Augsburg campus, and so on. I ended up spending most of my time at BF Nelson Park, which is adjacent to Boom Island and the site of some development I was suspicious of in a previous post. Since that time I consulted my source at Hennepin County and found that they are doing some interesting things here, including creating a "wetland" (looks like it will be one small pond to me) and putting in some trails and a canoe landing along the back-channel of the river. Back up on the hill it looks like there will indeed be some new parking (yep, that means pavement) and other infrastructure. I spent some time in this area around some mounds of dirt and rubble at the future site of a statue that's already been transplanted a couple of times.

What pleases me about this outing is that I seem to have recovered a skill or art I thought I'd lost – wasting time. It's great to wander, get on and off the bike, watch people and things, not know where I'm going ... to meditate on heaps of rubble and massive, round orange buoys ... I spent a great deal of my youth on pointless endeavors such as this, and only in the last decade did I lose that thread in day-to day life. This empty exploration ... this regarding of things that don't matter, that will never add up to anything ... it stirs my soul. I had forgotten about the richness of such trifles.

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